Concrete Cutting with Blade / Wire

RCC Cutting with Blade:

Service Page - RCC Cutting with Blade
Wall Saw 2
Wall Saw1

Diamond Wall Saw Cutting: Cutting of Slabs, Beams and Walls and other civil structures with Diamond Tools and dismantling the Structures with proper tools, fixtures and altering the structures as required.

Capacity: It can cut upto 525 mm thick RCC.

RCC Cutting With Wire:

Service Page - RCC Cutting with Wire
Wire Saw 2
Wire Saw

This method can be used where vertical structure are to be cut and dismantle bulky concrete Mass like foundation, Raft & Columns / Booms to be removed without vibrations, very silent, Eco Friendly, Fast, Good Finish & Accurate and also can be used underwater.

RCC Floor Saw Cutting:

Floor Saw 2
Floor Saw
Service Page - Floor Saw Cutting

Floor Saws cut through reinforced concrete and asphalt Quick and efficient can cut up to 310 mm depth, Slitting, Parting or Groove Cutting in Any RCC Structures like Slabs and flooring / PCC can be done comfortably.

RCC Cutting With Cut off Saw:

Cut off Saw (1)
Cut off Saw 2
Service Page - Cut off Saw

This is substitute for the Wall Saw Machine, to cut RCC Structures this small hand tool can be used where big machine is not required or not necessary, can be used in complex places and areas. Hydraulic machine with Diesel Power Pack.